Most of the follwing scripts are only needed if you are trying to load one of these containers. Please see table below for a recap of use cases.

You can install them by right clicking the name, copying the link address and using this command (replace SCRIPT_LINK by the link) :

wget -qO- SCRIPT_LINK | bash

Script NameAdditional DocTypeDescription
install_caddy.shopen in new windowPreinstallSetup for Caddy
install_drupal.shopen in new windowPreinstallSetup for Drupal
install_photoprism.shopen in new windowDocumentationPreinstallInstall Photo Prism
install_portainer_agent.shopen in new windowPreinstallInstall Portainer Agent
Portainer agent is used for remote management of the host you install it on.
install_throttled.shopen in new windowDocumentationInstallPreinstall Setup for the Throttled Script
install_vikunja.shopen in new windowPreinstallSetup for Vikunja
install_whoogle.shopen in new windowPreinstallInstall Whoogle
nginx-proxy-manager.shopen in new windowDocumentationPreinstallSetup for NPM
reset_premissions_nextcloud.shopen in new windowExtraBasic Script to reset the premissions of NextcloudPi
rpi_docker_monitor.shopen in new windowDocumentationPreinstallSetup for Docker Monitor
traefik.shopen in new windowPreinstallSetup for Traefik
unpoller-install.shopen in new windowDocumentationPreinstallSetup for UnPoller
update_libseccomp2.shopen in new windowUpdatePI OS 32 libseccomp2 Repair utility
update_portainer_agent.shopen in new windowUpdateUpgrade Portainer Agent